Fashion Industry's Science & Technology Undergraduate Minor

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Minoring in Fashion Industry’s Science & Technology

If you’re ready for a deep dive into fashion market trends and how to translate consumer needs into apparel product development, manufacturing and textile application, consider combining your primary area of study with a minor in Fashion Industry’s Science & Technology.

Topics of Study

Fashion Merchandising
Product development Infographic

  • Marketing
  • Product development
  • Planning
  • Distribution
  • Sourcing
Fashion Production
sewing pattern

  • Pattern making
  • Sewing techniques
  • Product development
Fashion Retail Management

  • Retail management
  • Retail operations
  • Data analysis
Fashion Journalist

  • Photography
  • Fashion writing
  • Fashion writing

Sample Courses

  • FITS 215: Mechanics of Fashion
  • FITS 333: Fashion Promotion
  • FITS 335: Fashion Forecasting
  • FITS 435: Society, Culture & Fashion

See our course listings

Minor Requirements

  • 18 total units
  • Courses can be taken in any order
  • Courses are offered during the fall, winter and summer semesters

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Minor Policies

  • Interested students must complete a Minor Information Session and online quiz
  • A 2.0 GPA is required to declare
  • Courses used in the minor may not be applied to a student's major or second minor

A Minor with Major Impact

Tiffany Ortega

A secondary focus in Fashion Industry’s Science & Technology can accompany a variety of majors. Schedule an appointment with an adviser to learn more.

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